visual artist - painter - sculptor - printmaker - creator
When I am asked about the diversity of my creative output, this quote always comes to mind.
"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much,
and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent Van Gogh
Timothy John Australian Visual Artist
Small Landscape works - Oil on Paper
"Ploughed Field"
21cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
"Reflected Moon"
(The moon, is not wet...nor the water broken.)
14.5cms x 14.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Last Light"
14.5cms x 14.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Sunlit Field"
15cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
"Across the River to the Hills"
20.5cms x 20.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Approaching Dust Storm"
10cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
10cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
"Plough Lines"
21cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
6cms x 10cms. Oil on Paper
"Afternoon Light"
21cms x 14.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Fire in the Sky"
21cms x 14.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Fading Light"
14.5cms x 10cms. Oil on Paper
"Up and Over"
14cms x 14.5cms. Oil on Paper
"The Tree Line"
13cms x 7.5cms. Oil on Paper
"The Survivor"
15cms x 13cms. Oil on Paper
"Moon and Fields"
10cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
"Red Ochre"
11cms x 12.5cms. Oil on Paper
"Towards the Tree Line"
15.5cms x 22cms. Oil on Paper
"Out Towards Forever
10.5cms x 21cms. Oil on Paper
"Soft Morning Light"
10.5cms x 21cms. Oil on Paper
"Ochre Entrance"
15cms x 15cms. Oil on Paper
"Together Forever"
20.5cms x 20.5cms. Oil on Paper