visual artist - painter - sculptor - printmaker - creator
When I am asked about the diversity of my creative output, this quote always comes to mind.
"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much,
and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent Van Gogh
Timothy John Australian Visual Artist
Recent commission for Beverly Hills Real Estate agent Josh Flagg.
Apart from being a hugely successful realtor, Josh is an author and television personality (an original cast member) on the show "Million Dollar Listing - Los Angeles" on the Bravo Television Network.
I have really enjoyed working on this project, Josh has a great sense of aesthetics and deep love and knowledge of the fine and decorative arts.
It is always a pleasure to work with someone with those sensibilities.
“After looking at Tim’s website, I felt a real connection to his works, in particular, I was attracted to his ‘atmospheric’ pieces. They conveyed a sense of calm, and I had an overwhelming desire to have his art in my life. So I asked Tim if he would be prepared to do a commissioned work for me.” - Josh Flagg
"Sky Song 1 - Sunset" and "Sky Song 2 - Moonrise"
Oil on Paper each measure 22" x 32"